How Can You Reverse Diabetes Mellitus and Blood Sugar Naturally in 30 Days
Diabetes is not a disease but a syndrome of diseases. Due to this, the kidneys, heart, eyes, and nervous system are badly affected. That’s why it becomes very important to understand the treatment of diabetes mellitus; and how can you reverse diabetes mellitus and blood sugar naturally?
Many questions arise in our minds regarding the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Because of this, the disease is not cured in time and takes a formidable form.
Misconceptions Related to the Diabetes Mellitus and
Blood Sugar
There are many misconceptions about the disease, diabetes mellitus treatment, and its outcome. These misconceptions become a cause of deterioration of the disease further. It’s very natural to have all such questions in the mind of a diabetic patient.
- Diabetes Mellitus is incurable
- Blood Sugar is a genetic disease and no cure for it
- Diabetes is just a minor disease and it cannot harm us
- Allopathic treatment is the only treatment available for diabetes mellitus
- Once Sugar Disease occurs, it is never cured
Many negative thoughts come into the mind of a patient because of these misconceptions in society. Which weakens the patient’s willpower and disease become worsens. Do patients start thinking about how to treat high blood sugar? So shall we accept all those misconceptions and stop believing in what mother nature has given us for blood sugar high treatment!
So don’t let the disease overpower you, and think about how can we reverse diabetes mellitus and blood sugar naturally.
You may watch Full Video on this Topic here
Is it possible to defeat Diabetes Mellitus?
Can I get rid of Insulin?
Rule of Ayurvedic and Herbal Treatment in diabetes cure?
Is the Allopathic treatment the only option for Diabetes Mellitus?
How can I reverse my Diabetes Mellitus?
Let’s understand first about Diabetes Mellitus and Blood Sugar
Diabetes is categorized into two:
- Type 1 Diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
The cause of Type 1 diabetes is Genetic however Type 2 Diabetes is an acquired disease that is linked with your dietary habits and lifestyle.
We are going to cover Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus here, and the treatment options detailed here are related to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus only.
In simple words, we can define Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as the accumulation of toxins and wastes in our body. High blood sugar is one of the toxins or waste in our body. It is the law of nature that if you eat too much even if it’s good food, can harm you.
When you eat a large amount of food with high carbohydrates. Glucose is a form of carbohydrates and the excess glucose starts accumulating in the cells of your body.
The excess Blood sugar in your body than required acts as a toxin in your body. This excess blood sugar is called Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 or High Blood Sugar Disease.
Common Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Generally, symptoms are no experienced in the pre-diabetic stage or early days of diabetes. When blood sugar levels start going up following symptoms are experienced by the patient:
- Increase frequency of urination
- Too much hunger
- High Thirsty
- Mild low leg pain
- Tiredness
These are the initial symptoms that increase as the disease progresses. Along with that, it starts affecting the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves. Even the patient has an increased risk of heart attack and kidney failure.
Causes of High Blood Sugar or Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
The main cause of high blood sugar are:
Your LifeStyle
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Lack of Exercise
- Low physical activity
- Long hours sitting work
- Bad sleeping patterns
Dietary Habits
- High carbohydrate
- Fatty Diets
- Bad dietary habits
- Junk Foods
- High consumption of refined sugar
- Canned Juices
- Cold Drinks
- Canned Soups and Ketchup
- Late evening Dinner
- High consumption of Alcohol
How Can You Reverse Diabetes Mellitus and Blood Sugar Naturally?
You will find the answers to the following questions in this section
- First – How can you control diabetes mellitus and blood sugar even by stopping the use of Insulin?
- Second – How to eliminate your blood sugar from the root without using Allopathic Medicines?
- Third – How can you cure diabetes naturally in 5 steps?
Like we talked about earlier that the accumulation of toxins and wastes in the body is called diabetes. It’s very simple to cure diabetes. You will get to know the natural formula to cure diabetes mellitus and blood sugar.
The Golder rule to cure diabetes is “Remove the Toxins and Drive away Diabetes” If your diabetes and blood sugar is controlled, then your other drugs and medication may also be reduced or stopped.
Before starting the treatment you just have to strengthen your willpower. You can completely cure diabetes just with a little change in your lifestyle and daily activities.
It will take 30 days to see the results and you will be able to cure diabetes in just 3 months without taking any medication.
Use Insulin Plant a wonder Drug In Ayurveda for Diabetes
The insulin plant is a very potent drug to cure diabetes mellitus and blood sugar. Many studies have been done on the Insulin plant. The result and outcome of this plant are amazing which help in reducing blood sugar fast.
Start taking the green leaves of the plant as an Ayurvedic drug. Eat one green leaf in the morning and one in the evening with the meal.
You can use it in powder form also. One tablespoon powder in the morning and one tablespoon powder in the evening with food is a recommended dose for adults.
Note: Not indicated in Children or Pediatric Use.
Please make note – Monitor your blood sugar daily when you are using the Insulin Plant. Because Blood sugar decreases very fast when you use the Insulin Plan along with other anti-diabetic treatments.
Gradually you can reduce the dose of Allopathic medicine based on your Blood Sugar and HBA1C report. The dose of Insulin injection can also work accordingly with the continuous use of the Insulin Plant.
Use the Insulin plant till your blood sugar levels become normal without allopathic medication because the outcome may vary from patient to patient.
You can easily grow an insulin Plant in your garden too.
Attention: Use the insulin plant under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
Intermittent Fasting (Minimum 16 Hours Fasting Per Day)
Our Lifestyle and daily routine are like that we constantly eat, even without hunger. The taste buds of our tongue dominate us and prompt us to eat. Our digestive system keeps working continuously and produces more sugar and fat for the body.
The more we eat, the more sugar and fat accumulated in the form of wastes and toxins in our body. If you want to get rid of this, then cleaning and eliminating these toxins is very important.
So, you will have to give some rest to your digestive system to get this repaired and the cleaning of your body. Likewise, if potholes of a road have to be repaired, then we have to stop the traffic plying on the road. Similarly, we have to stop the ongoing work of digestion of our body.
And by giving the rest to the digestive system, we can eliminate the wastes and toxins easily from the blood. The process of intermittent fasting will stop the accumulation of wastes further on other hand.
The day the filth or toxins stop accumulating in your body, on that day you should start thinking to stop your anti-diabetic medications.
How to do Intermittent Fasting OR Intermittent Fasting Rules
According to the rules of the Ayurveda and the Unani system of medicine. Fasting is the best medicine to get out the toxins from the body.
You can make your own rules for 16 hours of intermittent fasting. You have to keep in your mind that you can eat only in 8 hours window time. And in the remaining 16 hours, you cannot eat at all. This is the best way to control and cure your blood sugar naturally.
Rule Number – 1
Have dinner at 7:00 PM and then do not eat anything till 11:00 AM. You can have your normal meal from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. But keep in mind that do not eat sweets, sweet fruits, sweet juices, and sweet fruits.
Rule Number – 2
Eat full stomach early in the morning at or before 7:00 am. And do not eat anything till 11:00 in the night. Have dinner at 11:00 PM. Late evening dinner is not good as per the rules of a healthy diet plan.
If your nature of work or job is such that you cannot eat dinner early then you can follow this rule.
Rule Number – 3 
If you feel hungry during rule number 1 or 2 then you can use detox vegetable juices. If you are following rule number 1 then you can take this detox vegetable juice at 7:00 am.
And if you are following rule number 2 of intermittent fasting then use the detox vegetable juices at 7:00 pm.
You can prepare detox vegetable juice by mixing Ash Gourd (peeled off) or cucumber juice. Add two leaves of Aegle marmelos tree (Bael tree) in it. Eat this detox juice every day at defined time intervals.
You can replace Ash gourd with cucumber, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, or other vegetables. But do not forget to the leaves of Aegle marmelos tree (Bael tree)
Rule Number – 4
Follow 16 hours intermittent fasting rule continuously for 30 days. You may give a gap of 7 days then again 30 days continuous 16 hours intermittent fasting. Then again eat normal food for 7 days and do 30 days continuous intermittent 16 hours fasting.
After 105 days you can choose your own pattern of intermittent fasting. This depends on your blood sugar level and HBA1C report. After that, you can continue the same accordingly.
Rule Number – 5
You feel very week or dizzy during the 16 hours of fasting, then keep jaggery with you. And if you feel like this, eat a little jaggery. You can also to some sweet fruit or fruit juice instead.
There is a strong possibility of such symptoms in the first 2 weeks so be careful and keep this in your mind.
Benefits of 16 Hours Intermittent Fasting
- Less Glucose is stored in the body
- The activity of the pancreas improved
- Secretion of Insulin from the Pancreas increases
- The sensitivity of Insulin improved
- Toxins are easily removed from Kidneys and Liver
- Immunity increases
- Bowel functions improve
- The risk of cancer is reduced
Avoid Constipation and Evacuate the rectum by Enema
In fact, sugar or diabetes mellitus begins with the accumulation of undigested food, wastes, and toxins in the intestines. From here glucose and fat get absorbed further. Fat gets deposited on the liver which leads to Fatty Liver disease and further causes high blood sugar.
We have to break the process of continuous accumulation of wastes. Enema is the best tool to evacuate the rectum.
How Do You Do Enema? 
Take an Enema pot from the market. Fill it with plain water till the mark, you can add salt into it. Keep this Pot at some height. Use some lubricant on the pipe before use. Lie upside down and slide the lubricated end of the enema pipe about 2 inches into the rectum.
Slowly, the water from the enema pot wills tart moving into your large intestine (Rectum). When the water in the pot runs out, hold it for 5-7 minutes and then take a walk. When you start feeling the pressure, go to the toilet and get all the dirt out.
This process takes hardly 10 minutes to complete. Always do this in the morning after your natural deification. This is preferable to do an enema daily for 3 weeks and then once every week.
It’s absolutely safe, doesn’t hurt, and can easily be done at home.
Diet Plan and Type Foods to Eat
The choice of food and diet is the most important part to reverse diabetes mellitus and blood sugar. Keep these things in your mind to choose the right food.
- High Water and Liquids containing Fruits and Vegetables – Like cucumber, gourd, watermelon, musk melon, etc.
- Protein-Rich diet – Eat sprouted pulses. Do not eat use high fatty foods, dairy products, and meat.
- Living Food – Use fresh foods, green leafy vegetables. Do not eat canned food, juices, and drinks
- Whole Grain Food – Use brown rice, food with bran. Do not use flour, peeled rice, and white bread.
Morning Detox Juice
Use the vegetable juice detox as per rule number 3 guidelines.
Use seasonal fruits in breakfast and avoid eating sweet fruits like mangos, bananas, chikoo, etc.
You can eat low-sweet fruits like Pears, Apple, Papaya, Guava, etc.
Use salad and soups in your lunch. Keep only 5 vegetables in the salad like Coriander, Tomato, Coconut kernel, and 2 more vegetables from Beetroot, Carrot, Cucumber, or Gourd.
Use sprouted pulses, Almonds soaked in water, and vegetable soups. Do not eat a fat and high carbohydrate diet.
Use one type of grain only in the dinner. Do not mix other grains, use more vegetables. If you eat one Chapati (Bread) then take 2 bowls of vegetables for your dinner.
Regular Exercises and Outdoor Games
Low physical activity or lack of exercise causes the low activity of the pancreas too. This causes low production of insulin by Pancreas. Blood circulation is low in Pancreas if the physical activity of a person is low.
Do the following activities to maintain your body functions active and blood circulation to other parts of the body.
- A daily brisk walk, minimum 30 minutes daily.
- Regulars exercises
- Cycling
- Spent time in sunlight
You can reverse Diabetes mellitus and Blood sugar naturally without any medication if you follow the rules detailed above. It’s very easy to reverse diabetes and its complications. Follow all the rules and keep it continuing minimum of 3 months. You will be amazed to see the results.
This is all in your hand, you need to continue your daily exercises and improve your dietary patterns and food habits. I am very sure you will be able to defeat Diabetes mellitus and blood sugar.
Thank you for Reading
Dr Musharraf Husain
Very well briefed, thank you so much for sharing such good information
Very well written, a good collection of information, keep it up
very well explained, great article to read