Heartburn or Acid Reflux is a digestive problem and usually brought on by eating spicy and fried foods. Many people have an occasional burning sensation behind the sternum which is very normal but if it’s frequent can be a cause of concern. Repeated episodes of heartburn indicate an underlying cause of digestive disorder which lead to GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux Disease)
It’s a very uncomfortable and painful condition and you start searching the treatment options including acid reflux home remedies. Your dietary habits are mainly responsible for acid reflux and you should know about the foods to avoid GERD symptoms.
Is heartburn or acid reflux disease related to your heart? No, heartburn is nothing to do with your heart but it’s related to your stomach. But in some cases, heartburn can be a primary symptom of a heart attack.
Acid Reflux Disease
Stomach acid which is called hydrochloric acid is needed to break down and digest the food you eat. But if your stomach releases more acid it leads to heartburn and your oesophagus get irritated.
Food passes through the oesophagus into the stomach. There is a circular ring of muscle at the lower end of the oesophagus which is called the lower oesophagal sphincter (Valve). When you eat something, this valve relaxes and food passes through to your stomach. This valve remains closed or contracted and prevent the food and acid from going back into your oesophagus.
If there is too much acid or gas in your stomach or this valve relaxes abnormally, the acid in your stomach travel back into the oesophagus through the lower oesophagal sphincter. This causes heartburn and gastroesophageal disorder.
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Common Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease
- Heartburn or burning sensation behind the sternum (chest bone)
- Cough and burning sensation in the throat
- Bitter and sour taste in your mouth
- Mild pain in the upper abdomen
What Causes Heart Burn OR GERD
The cause of high acid secretion in your stomach can be Hurry, Worry and Curry. These 3 habits are the main culprit of GERD and Acid Reflux disease.
- Hurry – When you eat in hurry and your saliva does not mix properly in the food you eat. Which leads to indigestion and more acid secretion in the stomach.
- Worry – When you are worried, your eating pattern changes and your stomach starts secreting more, it’s a physiological phenomenon that causes acid reflux disease.
- Curry – More curry, more spices; fried, fast and street foods causes gastric irritation and more acid secrets from the wall of the stomach.
Triggers for Acid Reflux Disease or Heartburn
- Spicy, fatty and fried food
- Eating too quickly and overeating
- Lying down just after eating dinner
- Smoking
- Foods containing caffeine
- High consumption of citrus fruits
- Carbonated beverages
- High consumption of alcohol
- Obesity
- Fast foods, chocolates and street foods
- Not chewing food properly while eating
- Painkillers and analgesic medicines
Food and Habits to Avoid With GERD
Following foods to avoid Acid Reflux Disease:
- Too much Coffee and Tea
- Chocolate
- Alcohol intake
- Mints
- Soda
- Tomatoes and tomato-based recipes
- Spicy and fried foods
- Fatty foods
- Fast foods
- Citrus fruits juices
Your Lifestyle and some habits need to be changed to control acid reflux:
- Chew each bite properly and thoroughly
- Pause before each meal and Eat smaller meals
- Eat your dinner early and wait before going to bed
- Eliminate distraction while eating, avoid watching television, checking your phone and reading while eating.
- Elevate the head of your bed when you sleep
- Quit Smoking
- Ease your anxiety and stress
- Avoid taking painkillers
- Aim for good dietary habits and healthy weight
What Helps Acid reflux and Acid Reflux Home Remedy
Improve your Habit of Drinking Water while Eating
You can drink water before starting your meal but do not drink water in-between your meal or just after the meal. Drinking water in-between your meal or just after the meal diluted the acid in your stomach which further trigger stomach walls to release the acid and causes acid reflux.
Eat a Ripe Banana or Vegetable salad 
A ripe banana has alkaline properties and neutralizes the acid in the stomach. Use Melones, cauliflower and fennel in a salad. Bananas never should eat at night hours or bedtime otherwise they can cause constipation.
Chew Non-mint Gums
Saliva helps in swallowing the food and indigestion. Chewing gums increases saliva production which helps in neutralizing acid in the stomach.
Avoid Foods and Habits trigger acid production
Do not take painkillers without a doctor’s prescription. Avoid eating spicy, fatty, fried and high-calorie foods that trigger acid reflux.
Diet for Acid Reflux
Papaya, Guava and Fig are very helpful in heartburn. Cold milk when you drink in sips also helps in reducing acid reflux. The use of Cumin, Cardamom, Banana, Ginger, Turmeric, Honey, Marshmallow and Aloe-vera Juice also helps in neutralizing acid and controlling acid reflux disease.
Sleep on Your Left side
When you sleep straight on your back it helps in acid reflux, on another hand if you sleep on your left side, it prevents acid from going back into the oesophagus. Also, it helps food to move easily into the intestine.
Eat Smaller Meals and Chew Thoroughly
Eating smaller meals reduces pressure on your stomach which suppress acid reflux. Moreover, when you chew every bite thoroughly it helps in the mixing saliva in food. Saliva helps in swallowing and neutralizing the acid in the stomach.
Avoid Junk and Fast Foods
Fast and junk foods contain high fat which takes time to digest and stomach secrets more acid to break down the food. This phenomenon leads to gastritis, heartburn and acid reflux.
Eat the stuff which is natural and non-processed. Packed and processed foods irritate the gastric mucosa and lead to acid production. Healthy eating habits, a healthy lifestyle and a healthy weight are the key levers to control GERD.